An initiative of



Kyriakos Pieridis

Kyriakos Pieridis

Managing Editor, Cyprus Investigative Reporting Network (CIReN)

Kyriakos Pieridis is a journalist specializing in Cyprus and EU affairs. He was recently the Cyprus correspondent for the Greek newspaper “Efsyn” and a weekly columnist for the Cypriot newspaper “Politis.” Kyriakos has worked as a reporter, newscaster, documentary producer, and editor-in-chief in various mainstream Cypriot media since 1990, including the public TV and radio CyBC for more than 20 years. Kyriakos has specialized on EU affairs, and was a member of Cyprus’s official Negotiating Team led by the former President of the Republic, George Vassiliou.

As a CyBC correspondent, he covered critical European Council summits from 1993 to 2004, and negotiations for the resolution of the Cyprus issue until today. Actively engaged in civil society, Kyriakos was a founding member of the NGO OPEK, and since 2004 has expanded his expertise into areas concerning rule of law, anti-corruption, the promotion of pluralism and media freedom, and sustainable development. He is co-president of the bicommunal group of journalists from Cyprus jointly represented in the Association of European Journalists (AEJ).

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