An initiative of



Global Investigative Journalism Network (GIJN)

Global Investigative Journalism Network (GIJN)

The Global Investigative Journalism Network serves as the international hub for the world’s investigative reporters. Its core mission is to support and strengthen investigative journalism around the world—with special attention to those from repressive regimes and marginalized communities.

At the heart of GIJN is an international association of nonprofit journalism organizations. From its founding in 2003, GIJN has grown to include 250 member groups in 91 countries.

Today, with a staff based in over 20 countries, GIJN works in a dozen languages to link together the world’s most enterprising journalists, giving them the tools, technology, and training to go after abuses of power and lack of accountability.

Attending the Μedia Village will be:

  • Olga Simanovych, Regional Εditor for the Global Investigative Journalism Network (GIJN)
Simanovych Olga

A native of Ukraine, has more than 13 years of television experience as a journalist, screenwriter and managing editor. Seven of those years were spent as a TV news reporter for the Vikna-Novyny program on STB, where she specialized in politics, environment, human rights and medicine. From 2011 to 2016, she was a media trainer with different nonprofit organizations and participated in SCOOP‘s international investigations. A graduate of Taras Shevchenko National University, Ukraine, she is bilingual in Ukrainian and Russian, and fluent in English and Greek.

  • Alexa van Sickle, Associate Editor at the Global Investigative Journalism Network (GIJN)
Alexa van Sickle

Alexa is a journalist and editor with experience across online and print journalism, book publishing, and think tanks in the UK, US, and continental Europe. Before joining GIJN, she was a senior editor for the foreign correspondence magazine Roads & Kingdoms, editing and writing features and producing the magazine’s award-winning podcast. Previous roles include editor at the International Institute for Strategic Studies, publisher at an international law non-profit in London, and fact-checker at The New York Times Syndicate. She is currently based in Vienna, Austria.

  • Sara Ulrich, Investigative Reporter and Editor GIJN German

Sarah is GIJN’s German-language editor, overseeing GIJN Deutsch in cooperation with Netzwerk Recherche and an investigative reporter. Her work focuses on abuses of power, (labor) exploitation, right-wing and gender-based violence.

Ulrich holds a master’s degree in Social Theory and was recognized in German Medium Magazin’s Top 30 Journalists under 30 list. She is a fellow of the International Journalists’ Programmes (IJP) Latin America and the German Institute for Human Rights. For an investigation on press freedom, she was awarded the 1st Prize by BJV.

Her work was published in taz.die tageszeitung, ZDF, ARD, Der Spiegel, Zeit Online and others.