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Women in investigative journalism: fighting the challenges

With 58.0 points out of 100, Greece ranks 24th out of the 27 countries in the EU on the Gender Equality Index. Its score is 12.2 points below the score for the EU as a whole. What does this mean for journalists either reporting on gender issues or conducting investigations? How can the gender gap in journalism and in leadership positions be bridged so as more people’s voices are included in the narrative? Three female journalists explain at the iMEdD International Journalism Forum 2023.  

Including diverse voices

According to Catherine Gicheru, ICFJ Fellow/Director at the Africa Women Journalism Project, in the panel discussion “Inclusive narratives: Making gender part of every story”, integrating gender in every story is not only a matter of inclusivity and equality, but also a business imperative. Since women and femininities represent approximately 50% of the population, media organizations’ survival depends on them. This might seem a superficial incentive for journalists who are deeply concerned with gender issues, however this might be the only means through which editors could be persuaded that their newsroom should start taking into consideration diverse perspectives as well.

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