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Dates announced for the iMEdD International Journalism Forum 2024

iMEdD is delighted to announce that the iMEdD International Journalism Forum 2024, its annual gathering of the journalism community, will take place from September 26th to 28th, once again at The Athens Festival venue, located at 260 Peiraios Street.

The three-day forum will delve into crucial topics including press freedom, artificial intelligence, data journalism, reporting on the climate crisis, corruption, war, and innovative sustainability schemes to promote media independence. Moreover, the Media Village, a collaborative space where invited organizations create hubs within the forum, will provide a platform for independent media and journalism organizations to showcase their work and vision.

Following a successful Call for Proposals held from January to March, we were delighted to receive over 200 applications for content at the Forum, from individuals and organizations. A selection of these, along with a variety of sessions such as talks, workshops, open discussions, and more, will shape a dynamic program featuring engaging activities, addressing pressing issues and trends shaping the journalism landscape worldwide. Our aim is to equip participants with enhanced knowledge, broader networks, and renewed inspiration to implement new ideas and practices in their professional pursuits.

Registration opens in May, and we encourage everyone to stay tuned for detailed program announcements, speakers, and additional information on our official website:

The European Press Prize Community event will convene within the Forum for the 3rd year in a row, bringing together community members to discuss, get inspired, and explore future ventures.

Join us in shaping together the future of journalism at iMEdD's International Journalism Forum 2024!

More about the European Press Prize Community Event:

The European Press Prize, often regarded as the “Oscars” of European journalism, celebrates the highest achievements in European journalism. It recognizes and honors journalists who have shown exceptional dedication, courage, and skill in their reporting. The Community Event, a key component of the Prize, serves as a platform for journalists to come together, share experiences, discuss challenges, and celebrate the power of a free press.