An initiative of


60 min
13:00 - 14:00 EET
27 Sep.
Main Hall
Bringing investigative journalism into food lifestyle media
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860 million Instagram users have food content as their main interest. In fact, food videos are the most watched content across every social media platform. Yet while this content offers people new recipes, cultural insights and the latest trend, little of it touches on the broader system issues that shape what and how we eat.

This very system is in crisis. The food system is the new frontier in the battle for a future-friendly society. But the status quo is fiercely defended. Big Agriculture resists changes that the public supports, and their playbook of delay, dilute and confuse is similar to Big Tobacco and the fossil fuel majors.

Excellent investigative work is being done to unveil the invisible hands behind our food systems. But often these stories fail to engage the millions who have food as their main interest.

This panel will address how to bridge the food lifestyle and investigative worlds to capitalise on the huge amount of interest in food ‘content’ and make everyday foodies aware of what goes on beyond their plates.
