An initiative of


60 min
15:30 - 16:30 EET
26 Sep.
Main Hall
AI and investigative journalism: Opportunities and challenges
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While tools and resources powered by AI continue to emerge, the conversation around how AI is impacting journalism becomes more frequent. Investigative journalism has advanced both in using AI as a tool, as well as in investigating AI. Concrete examples on how AI has been used to hold the powerful to account and support watchdog journalism, as well as on how AI has been held accountable by investigative journalists, will be used to help understand the potentials and limitations.

This session will be focused on the experience of various experts in the field of AI and investigative journalism, to share lessons learned around editorial processes tied to investigative stories on AI and its societal impact, and projects in which AI has been used as a tool for investigations. Experts will also reflect on possibilities and limitations AI poses to investigative journalism, and will share more insights tied to successful and failed projects, and what are the key questions and processes that need to be considered while working with AI in investigative journalism.
